12 June 06 Added a subdirectory "experimental" which currently contains some simple scripts to help update create a new Voyage flash card using an existing Voyage flash card. They look for files which differ between the two systems, and create lists of things to be added and to be deleted. Note that (as the directory name implies) these are not for the average user :-). 12 June 06 Added a (possibly temporary) script "make-initrd". This is another "work in progress", and still needs a lot of refinement. 05 June 06 Added the "work in progress" script "make-kernel". This script will do the kernel compilation, then automatically install the result (bzImage and modules) into a voyage target directory. Next step will be to add in necessary stuff to make an initrd image to go with the kernel. 17 May 06 Changed everything to require root permissions (see DeveloperNotes) Did further work on copyfiles.sh / setboot.sh, which are now mostly working ok. Added the current working version of etc/voyage-profiles to this (svn) respository. Added a new routine "delete_config_var" to remove a config var from the script environment (used in select-profile when the profile is changed) Tested everything on my USB flash adapter, using both lilo and grub, and it passed (but didn't try anything very complicated). 16 May 06 Continued work on copyfiles.sh. Now basically running except for bootstrap, which is not yet working correctly. Added a warning message when voyage-install.sh is not run as root. Put in Lilo and Grub routines into setboot.sh, and started work to fix minor problems. Not yet complete. Added a couple of routines (check_yn() and get_yn()) to script-utils. Added a new script update-config.sh for routines which will be needed in both voyage-install.sh and voyage-update.sh to update the target configuration. 15 May 06 Added most (but not yet all) of the necessary code to copyfiles.sh. Added file "exclude-files" to specify (to rsync) filenames or patterns which should not be copied to the target. Added file "DeveloperNotes" to keep track of things not yet completed or problems not yet solved. 14 May 06 Added a routine "get_serial_speed" to script-utils.sh. Added code to voyage-install.sh to assure it isn't run "standalone" Added routines select_target_disk, select_target_boot, select_target_console and confirm_copy_details. Everything should now be ready to write the actual copy and installation of bootstrap loader. 14 May 06 Moved all the files over to "subversion" on the bbrack.org server 13 May 06 Added a "driver" script (voyage.update) to get things started. This script exports script-utils.sh and select-profile.sh, then executes either voyage-install.sh or voyage-update.sh to do the rest of the work. Removed the prolog (getting current directory, sourcing utility scripts) from all scripts except voyage.update. Cleaned up select-profile.sh to make it suitable for either type of run. Renamed the routine "ask_distrib_dir" to be "ask_work_dir" and enhanced it to make it useful for either type of run. Moved the routine out of voyage-install.sh into script-utils.sh. 4 May 06 Enhanced handling of configuration variables, both those stored locally (.voyage.install.conf) and those to be stored on the target system (/etc/voyage.conf). Modified the routines read_config and write_config so they could handle both files. voyage-setup.sh is not used at this time. Added a description of the handling of config vars "ConfNotes" Modified the profiles to include quotes around the VOYAGE_PROFILE if needed. 3 May 06 Added 'VOYAGE_PROFILE={string}' to each profile in etc/voyage-profiles Started on a new script "select-profile.sh" 1 May 06 Changed main script to be "voyage-install.sh". Changed voyage-setup.sh to source the variables from etc/voyage-profiles which correspond to the selected module. Re-wrote list_ix to do a simple scan of the list rather than screw around with arrays (originally it didn't work when I tried to use it)