README.pxe ============================================================================= __ __ \ \/ /___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ \ // _ \\ \/ /,-_ |/ _ |/ -_) \/ \___/ \ / \___,\_ |\___| _/_/ _'_| { V o y a g e } - L i n u x < > ============================================================================== This README.pxe provide information on how to start a PXE+NFS server for network booting environment using Voyage Live CD. This is useful to install voyage from Live CD over the network. ============================================================================== Starting the Live CD as PXE server ============================================================================== To start PXE environment from live-cd, after login root (password: voyage) , type: # remountrw # /etc/init.d/voyage-pxe start where is the serial console speed. Without this parameter, the default is 9600. Hence, to start PXE server for WRAP/ALIX board, you should: # remountrw # /etc/init.d/voyage-pxe start 38400 You can also set to 0 to disable serial console. This is useful for booting generic PC. The PXE enviroment on the Live CD assumes eth0 is connected to the network. /etc/init.d/voyage-pxe will set to eth0, start a TFTP and NFS sevice, also start dnsmasq to offer DHCP lease of for netboot. To shutdown PXE server environment, # /etc/init.d/voyage-pxe stop ============================================================================== Booting a PXE client and starting automated installation ============================================================================== Start your WRAP/Soekric board or PC to boot from network. When the bootloader is loaded, you have several options: 1. PXE Boot Voyage Linux with a login shell 2. Start automated install for WRAP (/dev/hda and 38400 serial console) 3. Start automated install for ALIX (/dev/hda and 38400 serial console) 4. Start automated install for APU (/dev/hda and 115200 serial console) 5. Start automated install for 45/48xx (/dev/hda and 19200 serial console) 6. Start automated install for 55xx (/dev/hda and 19200 serial console) 7. Start automated install for 6501 (/dev/hda and 19200 serial console) 8. Start automated install for gerenic PC (/dev/hda and no serial console) The boot prompt will wait for 5 seconds. After the timeout, option 1 (login shell) will be started automatically. *** Please note that option 2-6 for automated install will erase your disk on /dev/hda and install a fresh copy of Voyage Linux. Make sure you know what it is going to do before choosing option 2-6. ============================================================================== Installing Voyage Linux on a PXE booted environment ============================================================================== If you want to go through all the steps for manual install, select option 1. After boot with a login shell, you can login as root. To install voyage under netboot environment, you can follow the below procedures: 1. Create distribution directory for installation # mkdir /tmp/root # mount -o loop /lib/live/mount/medium/live/filesystem.squashfs /tmp/root # cd /tmp/root Note: for version < 0.9~rc2, use mount -o loop /live/image/live/filesystem.squashfs /tmp/root 2. Make a mount point for installation disk # mkdir /tmp/cf 3. Format target disk device # /usr/local/sbin/ /dev/hda This will create /dev/hda1 ext2 partition on /dev/hda disk device. ** Note that this operation is very dangerous since it will erase your disk! Make sure what you are doing and must do it right! 4. Start voyage.update installation script # /usr/local/sbin/voyage.update Following the instruction to select /tmp/root as distribution directory, and /tmp/cf as mount point. After the installation complete, simple reboot the board and Voyage will be started! Note: You may get read-only file system messages after exiting installation. This is normal because your settings cannot be updated on a mounted squashfs. There are some additional packages installed for PXE and NFS server. After starting Voyage, you can safely remove them by: # remountrw # apt-get remove syslinux atftpd nfs-kernel-server \ bzip2 sg3-utils minicom After all, remove the last line in /etc/dnsmasq.more.conf: conf-file=/etc/dnsmasq.pxe.conf Important Note: The current NFS server and client code is unstable for long time use. Hence, it is not recommended to use PXE+NFS environment for real production. It is only good for installing Voyage Linux at the moment.